
This interview was broadcast on UK Radio 4 c. 1970 for the Bob Jones book review 'New Leaf'. Matrix had just been published by Hale. The responses are audio MP3 files (click the icon at the end of the question).

What is the basic plot of 'Matrix'?
What happens to Joe Dill, the main character of Matrix, in the book?
Are you in the 'mainstream' of SF writers or do you write in a particular strand?
Many of your books are set in, around or feature Wirral. How difficult is it to see your home city in terms of science fiction?
How difficult, in terms of the characters, is it to place them in a context which is, for the reader, not necessarily a recognized reality?
How much research do you have to make before you write a book?

Copyright ©2001 Golden Apple, Wallasey.