
These poems first appeared in 'Serpent' - Manchester University Unions Magazine.

This is the first time DRM also used his pen name of 'John Rankine'. The two versions of 'Pastiche' are under each.

'For JBW' is a poem for his friend, John Burgess Wilson.

Pastiche - DRM (p.135 (July 1938?))
Untitled - John Rankine (p.102 Vol XXIII No.4 (March 1939))
Iseult - DRM (p.24 Vol XXXIII* No.1 (Dec 1939?)) *As printed.
Pastiche - John Rankine (p32 Vol XXIII No.2 (June 1940))
Shelter - John Rankine (p.72 Vol XXIII No.3)
For JBW - John Rankine (p.52 Vol XXIV No.3)
Cover of Vol XXIII No.4 (March 1939)