Focus On:

Ring of Garamas

John Rankine
Published by Golden Apple, Wallasey.
e-ISBN: 1-904073-22-0

Dag Fletcher, seconded from European Space Corporation to do his regulation six year military stint for the Inter Galactic Organization, was regarded as one of the best corvette commanders around. First choice for the difficult and bizarre missions, he had all the skills to get the job done.

It was fortunate that very few on Garamas would know that Terrapin was a burned-out wreck on a cinder heap and that just now, waiting for a new posting, her one-time commander was in a limbo with no official status, until the enquiry court made the formal announcement that his conduct of the engagement had been free from negligence.

So, the last thing Dag Fletcher wanted was to draw attention to himself and get involved in a local dispute between the secret police and a student. But when Yola began to slice through her wrist with a steak knife to avoid being captured alive, he could not stand by. Besides, waiting around was not something the I.G.O commander did well.

This is the first book in the Dag Fletcher Galactic series.